عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 10-04-2010, 08:23 PM   رقم المشاركة : 1 (permalink)
معلومات العضو
الصورة الرمزية Prince-of-hacker


إحصائية العضو



6 حصريا نسخة اكس بى شهر اكتوبر 2010 Windows XP Professional SP3 Integrated October 2010 Corporate-BIE بحجم 569 ميجا وعلى اكثر من سيرفر

Windows XP Professional SP3 Integrated October 2010 Corporate-BIE


- Updated until October 2010
- Without altering the appearance of windows
- Automatic installation and the possibility of not having the desired profile recorded during installation
- Having a serial
- No need to crack and activate due to being a Corporate
- Ability to update from the Microsoft site
- Ability to install all the antivirus software and Microsoft Afza because of Jnyvn
- Presented as an ISO file with the possibility Boot
- Having a size of less than a CD and get a result here on CD
And More ....

SIZE : 569 MB


1. http://takemyfile.com/854568
2. http://takemyfile.com/854569
3. http://takemyfile.com/854570



1. http://takemyfile.com/854571
2. http://takemyfile.com/854572
3. http://takemyfile.com/854573



1. http://takemyfile.com/854583
2. http://takemyfile.com/854584
3. http://takemyfile.com/854585


pwvdh ksom h;s fn aiv h;j,fv 2010 Windows XP Professional SP3 Integrated October Corporate-BIE fp[l 569 ld[h ,ugn h;ev lk sdvtv


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